Mida has decided to become a 100% plastic-free company by 2019. The company and the staff have decided, by unanimous vote, to adopt the “plastic-free” philosophy by modifying the company’s purchases and behaviors with the aim of abandoning plastic packaging and disposable plastic products.
Less wastefulness and less environmental pollution: these are the objectives that Mida has set itself since summer 2019 and that have led to great changes not only in business choices but also in the individual behaviors of employees who, when possible, come to work by bike, public transport or green vehicles such as an electric scooter.
The data reported by the WWF are disconcerting: every year 570.000 tonnes of plastic are transported in the sea, only in Mediterranean Sea waters, which is an amount equivalent to 33.800 plastic bottles per minute. Unfortunately, the numbers leave no room for interpretation: if no measures will be taken, by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the seas.
For this reason, Mida has decided to apply the formula that lies at the heart of sustainability, the so-called “4R rule” (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover) to become plastic-free by the end of 2019: we have already abandoned disposable plastic as glasses, coffee spoons, and bottles and from January we will start using biodegradable or compostable coffee pods and reusable water coolers.
Of course, these are just the first steps of the long-term improvement process that we have planned for the next months. We hope that our commitment will raise awareness of other companies as well, considering the great impact that business’ eco-sustainable choices can have on a global scale.