Mida and AudioCodes have a collaborative relationship that has been going on for some time now and which in the last period has resulted in the complete integration between SBC (Session Border Controllers) AudioCodes and our solutions for Unified Communications.
We are currently integrated with SBC AudioCodes “Mediant” with firmware version greater than or equal to “7.20A.254.202”.
Since January 2020, with the Mida Solutions products, they have been included in the AudioCodes configuration wizard, which was created to allow you to complete very complex configuration processes, quickly and easily. We are inside the wizard with our “Mida LiteCallCenter”, which for some time has changed its skin and naming, is now called “C³ Cloud Contact Center“.
The collaboration between Mida and AudioCodes provides Companies and Service Providers with the guarantee of total reliability of the products purchased, thanks to their native integration, simple and fluid configuration, the possibility of installing in Cloud, on-Prem or in hybrid models.
The version of the AudioCodes Wizard that includes the Mida Solutions call center solution is the release “7.20A.254.475”.