We are happy to announce that starting from January 2021 Mida Attendant Console will be available in the Italian Public Administrations telephony services price list. Mida is included in the CT8 tender and our attendant console will be provided to all Public Administrations buying a Sangoma PBX for their telephony system and requiring an Operator Console solution.
Recently Consip S.p.A. – the joint-stock company wholly owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance, which manages the procurement processes for all Italian Public Administrations- has adjudicated the CT8 contest for the supply, implementation, and maintenance of private telephone systems and related products and services. The aim of this initiative, now in its eighth edition, is to encourage the use of IT tools in the Public Administration promoting innovation and simplification.
To us it’s a great honor as it represents a milestone in our collaboration with Sangoma: we have partnered for many years now and Mida have designed an attendant console able to fully cooperate with Sangoma PBXs.
The solution is reliable and its intuitive UI makes it ideal even for novice computer users. Public servants can easily and efficiently manage all incoming calls, regardless of whether they’re working from the office or from home, thanks to the web-based interface that requires just a computer and a connection to work. It has been designed and has been also certified for visually impaired and blind operators as it can be integrated with the main screen magnifiers and braille display supports. This is a very important integration, as visually impaired and blind people are often employed in the public sector, especially as call center/customer service operators.
Being on the Italian Public Administrations price list is the confirmation that our products’ quality and reliability meets the requirements of complex environments such as the ones of local and regional authorities, hospitals and health authorities, universities.
Stay tuned to know other details and read our case studies.