How to gradually migrate UC to the Cloud?
The new era of corporate communications has already begun: digital interactions are widely part of the business environment.…
Why move your UC to Zoom with Mida Are you considering moving your Unified Communications from a legacy system to Zoom? Mida has…
Mida Compliance Recorder is now on Zoom Marketplace
Mida Solutions is proud to announce its latest milestone: Mida Compliance Recorder has just been published on Zoom Marketplace.…
Choose Mida Attendant Console for Zoom to empower your customer service
Following the huge request for communication and collaboration tools, Zoom has evolved its platform by adding new important…
Why are CRM and Business Intelligence essential integrations for this hybrid work scenario?
In recent times, due to the restrictions caused by the Pandemic, companies all over the world have been suddenly forced to…
Another big milestone achieved: Mida UC suite for Zoom
Mida UC portfolio is getting more and more enriched with new solutions: we are happy to announce that recently we have included…
New Year, New Plans: Preview from UC Summit 2022
Mida will be among the sponsors of UC Summit, the UC Today’s annual conference and expo about Unified Communication and…