Release C 3.4.1: the new features that improve Mida’s contact center efficiency
To be competitive in the marketplace, a company must adopt technologies that are always up-to-date in terms of security and…
8 things you may not know about...Mida's Attendant Console!
Choosing the right operator console solution is a strategic business decision. Customer service is an important business card…
8 things you may not know... about Mida's Compliance Recorder!
We have spoken several times about our Compliance Recorder, delving into its security and reliability features, not to mention…
Why UC solutions are the right investment for finance companies
The financial sector is facing an important challenge: being able to reconcile the need for advanced technologies with the…
Compliance Recorder for Microsoft Teams: 3 must-have features to bear in mind
More and more companies globally are realizing the enormous potential of a compliance recorder for recording and storing…
Streamline agents’ workflow within Microsoft Teams: what you should know
If you are considering enhancing your company's Unified Communication, leveraging the Microsoft Teams platform in combination…
Out-of-the-box support with WhatsApp integration
WhatsApp is a great leap forward for your customer service. You should adopt it as an additional tool to redefine your approach…
Why choose a Microsoft Teams-Certified UC solution?
What does choosing Microsoft Teams-certified UC solutions for customer service really mean? Marco Cortese, Mida's…
Mida C3 with a step ahead: what's new?
A new version of Mida C3 - Cloud Contact Center is now available to boost your communications. Your employees will love its…
Why should you adopt a compliance recorder?
Before analyzing the main reasons why you should invest in a compliance recorder for your customer service department, let’s…