
Why choose a Microsoft Teams-Certified UC solution?

  What does choosing Microsoft Teams-certified UC solutions for customer service really mean? Marco Cortese, Mida's…


Mida C3 with a step ahead: what's new?

A new version of Mida  C3 - Cloud Contact Center is now available to boost your communications. Your employees will love its…


Why should you adopt a compliance recorder?

Before analyzing the main reasons why you should invest in a compliance recorder for your customer service department, let’s…


Why move your UC to Zoom with Mida

https://youtu.be/Lf9CpJkH_0U Are you considering moving your Unified Communications from a legacy system to Zoom? Mida has…


3 Customer Service trends to look out for in 2023

What to expect from the year ahead? It’s time to think about which new customer service trends companies should consider in the…


Microsoft-Ribbon Workshop: a precious day to learn and networking

In the Microsoft Italia offices in Milan, last week Mida took part as a speaker at Ribbon Communications’s training day on the…


Contact Center vs Call Center: what you should know

Does your company need a contact center or a call center to handle conversations? This is a critical question to project an…


Microsoft Teams updates - fall 2022

Every month Microsoft shares a long list of new Microsoft Teams updates to improve its user experience. This fall the changes…


Mida Compliance Recorder is now on Zoom Marketplace

Mida Solutions is proud to announce its latest milestone: Mida Compliance Recorder has just been published on Zoom Marketplace.…


Mida Contact Center and Compliance Recorder are officially certified for Microsoft Teams

Mida has a big milestone that would like to share with you: its Contact center and Compliance Recorder have recently been…