How to satisfy customers by relying on Microsoft Teams-certified UC solutions?
Exceed customers’ expectations by choosing a contact center and a compliance recorder certified by Microsoft Teams to provide…
Why choose a Microsoft Teams-Certified UC solution?
What does choosing Microsoft Teams-certified UC solutions for customer service really mean? Marco Cortese, Mida's…
Microsoft Teams updates - fall 2022
Every month Microsoft shares a long list of new Microsoft Teams updates to improve its user experience. This fall the changes…
Mida Contact Center and Compliance Recorder are officially certified for Microsoft Teams
Mida has a big milestone that would like to share with you: its Contact center and Compliance Recorder have recently been…
Microsoft Teams updates - Summer 2022
During the summer Microsoft shared a long list of new and updated features for Teams to improve customers' day-to-day working…
5 pros of choosing a connected contact center for Microsoft Teams
We have widely heard about Microsoft Teams Direct Routing as a method to rapidly move UC into one of the most popular…
Mida Compliance Recorder in MS Teams Certification Program
Mida Compliance Recorder for Microsoft Teams has officially entered in the Compliance Recording for Teams Certification…
Connect, Extend, Power: features and business opportunities behind labels
From discussions with customers and partners, we realized that there is still quite a lot of confusion about how a contact…
Microsoft Teams updates - Spring 2022
Microsoft continues improving Teams user experience by unveiling new features every month. These periodic updates allow…
Why are CRM and Business Intelligence essential integrations for this hybrid work scenario?
In recent times, due to the restrictions caused by the Pandemic, companies all over the world have been suddenly forced to…