A recent survey carried out by Gartner reveals that when the emergency COVID-19 passes, 74% of CFO will keep part of the staff in smart working.
Gartner is one of the largest companies in the world, which for years has been involved in strategic consultancy, research, and analysis in the field of information technology. This survey was carried out on a sample of 317 CFO and brought to light very interesting data, which highlights a clear change in the management of company resources. Even in the post-COVID-19 era, almost three-quarters of them declare they want to shift permanently at least 5% of their employees to smart working even after the emergency has passed.
Now more than ever technologies have evolved to a point of being able to make smart working not only easier but also available for a larger number of types of workers.
The emergency of the last few months has also created a growing interest in cloud technologies and services, which allow greater flexibility, without the need to install any on-Premises product: the implementation simply passes through a download and a deployment phase, resulting in significant time savings.
We at Mida Solutions have always offered solutions both on-Prem and in the cloud, precisely because we are aware that the choice depends on different factors and that each company could opt for one or the other solution according to its policies and/or the regulations in force for their sector. In this particular moment in which there are important limitations at a global level, we are therefore able to guide companies step by step in the migration of their contact center to the cloud - whether in a Legacy environment or in Microsoft Teams - thanks to compatible applications, available for direct download from the Azure Marketplace: Mida Attendant, Mida C³ Cloud Contact Center, Mida Recorder.
Curious to know more?
Discover all our legacy cloud solutions or those for Microsoft Teams.
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Padua, 22nd April 2020 - On May 6th don't miss the Webinar organized by our partner Sangoma to present our new Attendant Console. The webinar is the first official event in which Sangoma will be presenting this new solution integrated with their PBXs.
The webinar moderator will be Simon Horton, Director of Sales Europe of Sangoma, whom after an introduction on the needs that have led Sangoma to certificate our solution, will leave the stage to Marco Cortese, Director of Sales Italy of Mida, Marco will present all features and functionalities of this new product, putting particular focus on the advantages of the adoption of this new Attendant Console for the final customer and for Sangoma resellers.
Here is a summary of some features of Sangoma Attendant Console :
- Seat-less architecture for remote/home workers (as required by recent COVID19 scenarios)
- Unlimited number of monitored BLF
- 100% cloud - hardware free
- No installation needed
- Integrated directory
- Certified for visually impaired/blind users - integrated with software such as JAWs, MAGic or Cobra
- Easy to use and intuitive UX/UI suitable for European customers
- Simple licensing model
For more information about the Attendant Console, you can read our article MIDA RELEASED THE NEW ATTENDANT CONSOLE CERTIFICATED FOR SANGOMA or register directly for the Webinar.
Stay up to date by following us on all our social networks!
Mida is happy to announce that the list of codecs supported by "Mida Recorder" has just included new entries: G.729, G.722, and Opus.
Thanks to the continuous updates and development made by our R&D team, now we’re able to provide better quality on our registrations.
The following codecs have been integrated into the last product update:
- G.729 is a standard codec that allows compressing the file at 8 kbit/s. Excellent for limited bandwidth scenarios (VoIP International services, ADSL connections, etc.).
- G.722 is a wideband audio codec that operates at a data sampling of 16kbps, this allows for great clarity of audio signals and provides 7 kHz wideband speech at a transmission rate of 48 Kbps, 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps.
- Opus is a high-quality interactive audio codec, that can be applied to multiple functions, such as VoIP, video conference, chat in-game and live events.
The features supported by Opus codec are:
- Bitrate from 6 kbps a 510 kbps
- Sampling frequencies from 8 kHz (narrowband) a 48kHz (full band)
- Frame sizes from 2,5 ms a 60 ms
- Support for constant bitrate (CBR) and variable bitrate (VBR)
- Narrowband to wideband audio bandwidth
- Support for speech and music
- Support for mono and stereo
- Support for up to 255 channels (frame multistream)
- Bitrate, audio bandwidth, and frame size dynamically adjustable
- Good loss strength and packet concealment (PLC)
Thanks to all these implementations the quality level of the recordings that we're able to do with Mida Recorder, has constantly improved over time, reaching an excellent level!
Furthermore, being able to support different codecs, we're able to manage professional registration in a wider range of scenarios.
Microsoft has announced that the events scheduled for 2020 and 2021 will be hosted as live streaming events.
Due to COVID-19 pandemic and the impossibility to carry out events with a large number of attendees, Microsoft has decided to carry out all events planned for the next months in digital format and to extend this policy until the end 2021 fiscal year, that is, until the end of June 2021.
“In light of the challenges presented by COVID-19, Microsoft has been closely monitoring the developing global situation and re-assessing the overall company-wide in-person event strategy. As a company, Microsoft has made the decision to transition all external and internal events to a digital-first experience through July 2021. This will include the future MVP & RD Summit which currently scheduled for March 28th - April 2nd, 2021. We will continue to evaluate the situation and look forward to connecting in person when the situation allows.” has declared Microsoft.
Furthermore, for the next Ignite event that is scheduled from 19th to 23 July 2020, Microsoft has communicated through the website event that, “Microsoft Ignite will be launched as a complimentary digital event experience this September. Join us to learn innovative ways to build solutions, migrate and manage your infrastructure, and connect with Microsoft experts and other technology professionals from around the globe.”
We haven’t changed our plans either: Mida will participate as planned also to these “new” digital events, with our Unified Communication solutions 100% integrated into the Microsoft Teams environment, which now more than ever can represent new communication solutions for companies that want to use Teams as a collaboration platform.
Curious to find out more?
To have more information about our Teams solutions, click here.
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Padua, 10th April 2020 - Mida Solutions has planned in the next months to complete the Motorola Dimetra certification, which will endorse the interoperability between our solution Mida Recorder and the Motorola Dimetra infrastructure.
Motorola has offered communications solutions since 1928 and today is a leader company in innovative communications and mission-critical markets.
DIMETRA systems are the technology behind Motorola's TETRA products and are among the worldwide more valued connection solutions in the mission-critical communications field. TETRA solutions are applied in multiple markets, including retail, sport, and leisure places, production plants, oil and gas plants, and government organizations.
Mida Recorder is Mida Solutions’ product for professional recordings. The application is 100% web-based and is characterized by the reliability of recordings and secure data storage. Mida Recorder is used in multi-plants VoIP networks such as emergency call centers, railway telephone networks, internal networks for highway communications, financial institutes, public administrations, multi-utility, and more.
The decision to put Motorola certification on the roadmap for this Q2, confirms the fact that we are constantly working to ensure that our products are integrated with new technologies, to offer a complete professional service to our customers and partners.
If you have not already done so, follow us on our social channels, to receive updates on this certification and other news!
On April 16th, 2020 together with Ribbon Communications and Poly we will host the webinar “Deliver Work-At-Home Microsoft Teams Solutions”, dedicated to companies that are considering the introduction of Microsoft Teams as a company communications tool, above all in this period in which is indispensable for many companies to have communications tools that allow also smart working.
Ribbon Communications is a grounded international company that offers network solutions and software for real-time communications; its Session Border Controller is one of few certified by Microsoft.
Mida Solutions has been offering Unified Communications software in the cloud for a long time. Since last year we are Microsoft co-sell ready partner, with our solutions 100% integrated into Microsoft Teams environment :
During the webinar, speakers will share with the participant's data, advice and best practices on Microsoft Teams’ usage; thanks to Ribbon’s excellent experience on the - SBC side - and Mida’s - software side - participants will have the opportunity to deepen the key points to be considered in the migration of a contact center from on-Prem to cloud.
The webinar will also be a moment of discussion and comparison - thanks to the generous Q&A space - which now more than ever we have considered to be vital for those companies willing to exploit the next few weeks as an opportunity to accelerate a virtualization process they had perhaps already scheduled.
The webinar will include also a speech by a manager from Poly, a leading company in the production of headphones, earphones, headsets, office or conference telephones and audio tools to support communications. We will see in detail what are the innovations that this large group has developed to meet current smart working needs, or more generally to provide hardware support that is qualitatively adequate to the “modern workplace” concept.
The webinar will go live at two different times, to meet the needs of both those connecting from the EMEA area and from AMERICAS.
Webinar Deliver Work-At-Home Microsoft Teams Solutions - EMEA
Webinar Deliver Work-At-Home Microsoft Teams Solutions - AMERICAS
In a very delicate historical period such as the one we are experiencing now due to the COVID-19 virus, it is crucial for companies to keep track of communications concerning employees' disease, accident, self-quarantine mandatory isolation, or other conditions that may affect their job activities.
In many countries, companies must manage the process of reporting sick leaves electronically and in this period of time, where many workers are doing smart work, it becomes even more important to be able to do it with an efficient telematic tool that saves time, allows HR and other relevant figures in the company to re-organize the activities on the basis of the reported absences, and store the information for any communications.
Mida has created a solution for the electronic reporting of absences due to illness that allows you to do just that and it has already been chosen by important companies, that in this particular period have adapted the tool to also track communications on the health status of employees in relation to COVID-19.
The solution is called "Mida SickLeave Track" and is an IVR application designed to facilitate and trace communications between the employee and the company. It allows you to automatically manage a large number of communications and to be sure that these are efficiently delivered to the HR department or to the other figures who are interested in receiving them in the company. All the process is compliant to the main privacy international regulations.
Mida SickLeaveTrack is supplied as a Virtual Appliance that can be installed in any data center or cloud space and includes all the necessary resources (VoIP channels, Databases). The activation of the virtual machine takes a few minutes allowing you to be operating very quickly and - thanks to SIP standards - it is compatible with almost all PBXs.
Here are some advantages of the solution:
- The information collecting process is completely automated and is active work 24/7
- The data is immediately forwarded to the assigned people.
- Possibility to adapt the vocal messages and the type of requests.
- Create an archive that tracks requests and absences in a structured way.
- It can be interfaced with external data sources.
For more details, you can read the datasheet, contact us via this form or call us on +39 049760185!
Microsoft Teams has turned 3 years old last week and to celebrate it announced new features.
The innovations in question have the common goal of providing a user experience that can meet - and sometimes exceed - users' expectations, for this reason, they do not just improve the pre-existing functions, but offer new possibilities, especially in light of the recent global health emergency due to the COVID19 virus. These new releases are in fact dedicated to a dual target:: the broader one is made up of users who use Teams to make online meetings, but there is also a new target, or professionals who are new users of the platform - think of the operators in the field of manufacturing or industrial sector or operators in the health sector. In the latter case, the challenge is to offer technological solutions that make it not only possible but extremely simple, to use Teams during their work that typically does not play from an office desk.
Here are some of the new features in the March release:
- Excellent audio quality even in networks with limited or unstable bandwidth, thanks to the improvement of the algorithms, now there is better audio quality, even in the presence of congested or poorly performing networks.
- Noise cancellation: this implementation eliminates real-time ambient noises of any kind, including the annoying noise of those who type too much on the keyboard, allowing participants to focus on what is said.
- Raise your hand during a meeting. Obviously, you won't have to do it physically, just click on the appropriate icon in Teams. It will thus be much easier - especially in meetings with many participants - to manage everyone's interventions.
- Integration between Teams and RealWear wearable devices. This feature will be available by the end of the year but is already shaping up as a turning point for operators in the field in manufacturing or industrial field, since it will allow them to communicate, keeping their hands free.
- The Bookings app has been designed to simplify the planning and management of virtual appointments and will be available in the coming weeks. It is particularly useful for the healthcare sector since it will allow healthcare professionals to manage and conduct virtual visits. In addition, it is also used for medical visits - because of COVID19, they are difficult to do in person, especially in cases of patients with mobility problems, a compromised immune system or who live in areas with a lack of doctors or healthcare facilities.
These are just some of the innovations that Microsoft Teams has introduced and will introduce during the year.
If you want to know more about all the news of Microsoft Teams, click here.
Mida Solutions, which has been an official Sangoma partner for years, and has already provided Attendant Console solutions to some of the most important Italian enterprises, has recently released a version of this product, dedicated to Sangoma IP PBX.
The solution does not just meet the functional requirements of Sangoma customers but also - from the point of view of the commercial proposition - it represents an evolution regards to the previous options available.
Among the advantages of the new Attendant Console:
- unlimited number of monitored internal
- Seatless, perfect for those who work in smart working
- 100% cloud solutions (SaaS): doesn't require any software or hardware installation
- certified also for visually impaired/blind
- intuitive and easy-to-use interface
- integrated directory
Mida Attendant Console is compatible with the following Sangoma PBXs: Hosted PBX; Free PBX; PBXact.
The solution is available with a dedicated price list. Contact us to know who is your advisable distributor.
Mida and AudioCodes have a collaborative relationship that has been going on for some time now and which in the last period has resulted in the complete integration between SBC (Session Border Controllers) AudioCodes and our solutions for Unified Communications.
We are currently integrated with SBC AudioCodes "Mediant" with firmware version greater than or equal to "7.20A.254.202".
Since January 2020, with the Mida Solutions products, they have been included in the AudioCodes configuration wizard, which was created to allow you to complete very complex configuration processes, quickly and easily. We are inside the wizard with our "Mida LiteCallCenter", which for some time has changed its skin and naming, is now called "C³ Cloud Contact Center".
The collaboration between Mida and AudioCodes provides Companies and Service Providers with the guarantee of total reliability of the products purchased, thanks to their native integration, simple and fluid configuration, the possibility of installing in Cloud, on-Prem or in hybrid models.
The version of the AudioCodes Wizard that includes the Mida Solutions call center solution is the release "7.20A.254.475".