As already announced at the end of 2020 (see this post), Mida Solutions S.r.l., Nethive S.p.a. and Offsquare S.r.l. won the POR FESR – ACTION 3.4.1 ‘Export promotion projects for companies and their aggregated forms identified on a territorial or sectorial basis’ tender, promoted by the Veneto Region and financed by the European Union. The three companies, which operate in the technology, security and communication sectors, joined forces by participating in the tender as ATI (temporary association of companies). Two years later, they have achieved important milestones for company innovation and growth in foreign markets.
To date, our company has used the funds of the Complementary Operational Programme (previously known as FESR) mainly in two directions: product innovation and promotion in international markets. On the one hand, we have implemented a radical overhaul of our products from the point of view of the graphical user interface, starting with a careful analysis of international best practices, which led to the redesign of products based on modern UX conventions used in major telecommunications software globally. On the other hand, we used the funds to finance participation in major international trade fairs, such as Enterprise Connect, in the US, and Commsverse, in the UK, from which 200 new leads as distributors and partners.
Nethive S.p.a is a Padua-based company founded in December 2013 that specializes in managed networking, security, software development and consulting services to support the business of enterprises and SMEs. Thanks to the funding obtained, Nethive was able to achieve the objectives set at the beginning of 2020, such as: improving the company’s Brand Awareness through the European-level filing of the Auralyze, HiveFlow, SocialHive and HiveDNS trademarks; facilitating access to international markets and building new partnerships for the promotion and sale of products through participation in Mobile World Congress 2021 and 2022, the largest international event in the mobile sphere; through the hiring of an International Senior Program Manager who has coordinated numerous projects for the marketing of the company’s services and products in both the Italian and international markets.
Offsquare S.r.l. is a web agency based in Bassano del Grappa (VI). It has been operating in the digital marketing and online communication sector for 5 years, with innovative services and solutions ranging from the creation of websites and e-commerce, social media management and online advertising campaigns, web design and web development, digital strategies and business digitization. To date, Offsquare has acquired a dozen new customers in the foreign market, supporting their growth and business development with dedicated services. Furthermore, in the last two years, it has started important partnerships and collaborations with high-level operators to expand its offerings in international markets.