Mida Release Notes
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Release 3.6.0
- [WEB, AC, PS, QMS] Implement password reset mechanism
- [QM] Add queue info on custom headers of consult call
- [AC] Reduce padding in info panel lines in lowvision mode
- [AC] Auto select extension in info panel when switching contacts
- [AC] Reduce padding in settings for visually impaired mode
- [AC] Add border to action icons in contact list
- [AC] Icon on numeric keypad disappears when selected in high contrast mode
- Add the Zoom CC APIs in the Zoom loader
- [AC] Add parameter to enable/disable the memos
- AC] Add parameter to enable/disable the memos
- [AC] Added parameter to pre-populate contact list
- [QMS] Add option to hide queue settings
- [WS] Improve the efficiency
- [PS] add company, department and email address in user list
- [AC] The focus remains on the selected information field when switching contacts in the similar contacts menu
- [AC] Creation of Shortcuts for Edit and Delete Contact
- [API] Camp-on and Park configuration
- [API] REST/Contacts migration
- [API] REST/Attributes API implementation
- [WEB] Email configuration page migration
- [AP] Monitor/Audit page migration
- Improved web portal security
- [REC] Azure tenant id is not retrieved by the collectors
- [REST] Recorder list API returning error if request is with empty body
- VoiceMail in HA sends an email from each node
- [FAX] Can’t access sent faxes as a User
- [REC] Failing backup of media belonging to groups
- [Recorder] Error saving sniffer configuration
- [AC] Only Mute & Disconnect should be active when in Conference
- [API] Contacts WEB API suggestions wrong group permissions for Admin
- [REST] Contacts API getContactList wrong group permissions for Admin
- [MUP & API] Not possible to remove a default holiday from a service
- [JCORE] Moh reload is not working as expected
- [AC] Queue in red with numbers in black
- [AC] On-hold call disappears
- [AC] The after-call work yellow bullet is not updated automatically after the expected timeout
- [AC] The “Calls in queue” counter can go below zero
- [AC] chars not readable when queue calls exceed threshold
- [FAX] Unable to Fax Forward
- [REC] Audit is reporting media id while playback station only shows call id
- [AC] Editing a contact info blank will not be saved
- [AC] Parking shortcut populates the dial box even if there’s no active call
- [AC] Different display name with same participants
- [FAX API] POST API for fax sending returns an empty response
- [FAX] Users not belonging to the faxbox receive notification
- Fail to load custom logo
- [CC API] Impossible to add general holidays
- [FAX] Gateway/PBX set for a fax box not saved nor uploaded correctly
- [REC] Download Service ID is not saved when configuring a DB collector
- [AP FAX] In fax user association, the page size selector is not working
- [AP] No tenant cannot configure fax users
Release 3.5.0
- [FAX] Now it is possible to delete a fax from the user interface
- [FAX] The Fax Report tab is not available
- Improved web portal security
- [WEB] Invalid authorization check on parameters API
- [WEB] Parameter service not inserting Label on parameter creation
- [AC] Missing select when focusing on search box
- [Billing] BIL\_ExtendedRates cost values must default to 0
- [PDC] snmp v3 configured user not show correctly
- [FAX] Administrators were not authorized to get the list/add/delete/update users in fax box
- [BILLING] Attributes not available in aggregation type reports
- [CLEANER] Cleaner did not delete recordings according to time retention
- [LDAP] Fax Boxes were not created by LDAP Import Manager
- Sniffer – Config file not found
- [REST] WADL publicly exposed
- [PS] Playback station message was vulnerable to reflected cross-site scripting
- [MUP] The Username of the MUP portal was vulnerable to reflected cross-site scripting
Release 3.4.1
- [IM] Add new auth support to OCI-P requests
- [AC] Low vision specific color settings
- [AP] Hiding of the User link
- S3 HTTPS support
- [AC] Add the page-up/page-down key to change the page in the directory view
- S3 – Avoid creation of temporary file on S3 bucket config test
- [FAX] Adding the database view
- [AC] Direct Transfer on CONNECTED Event for Cisco Deskphone
- Adding the support of the connID in the archiver
- Adding the support of the connID in the sniffer recorder
- Add Azure auth token verification to login
- [Recorder] Collector Video Management
- [PS] Implement the video player
- Import Manager for Azure AD
- [Recorder] Adding the multi-tenant support for the Teams Recorder
- Teams Recorder and PS – Adding the management for the onBehalfOfUser
- [PDC] Adding the possibility to add SAN to CSR generation
- [PDC] Move plugins outside the PDC folder
- [REC] Adding a parameter to skip the backup of REC_Files
- [PS] Improve media download
- [FAX] When adding users to fax boxes, it should be possible to search them by name
- [FAX] When adding a new user on the related fax box, no search field appears to find rapidly the users
- [AC] Change path to download the plugins in case they are missing
- [FAX] Admin user has no access to faxboxes in FAX portal
- [REC] Participant lookup only on active users
- [REC] Fix participant group historical association
- [LIC] The v3 P2U licenses are not working
- [AC] Switch between calls involved in a transfer shortcut not working
- [AC] Wrong tab order in queue info area
- [FAX] Graphic improvements in fax portal
- [AC] Switch checkbox not highlighting when getting focus
- [AC] Some buttons are not showing focus correctly
- [FAX] Backup Share can’t be configured from WEB Backup Configuration page
- Improve cleanPhoneNumber performance
- [AC] Incorrect contact list ordering in MySQL
- [BILLING] Default value for duration is -1 instead of 0
- [PS] Malformed audio file when session is expired
- [Voice] Increase voice services file descriptor limit
- [AP] Fax users list showing useless id column
- [AP] Incorrect ordering of fax users
- [AP] Incorrect ordering of faxbox list
- [AP] Incorrect ordering of tenant list
- [MUP] N/A options in the MUP
- [FAX] Shared covers are not working with tenant faxes
- [AC] Wrong check when trying to apply a custom logo
- Custom logo cannot be applied massively to all tenants
- [AP] Allow login to users with reset password flag set to true
- [Billing] Cisco block on complex call
- [AC] Wrong localization in button label
- [AC] Status of the code is not vocalized
- [AC] Problem with the directory search without pagination
- [AC] The tab index on the similar search does not work
- [AC] Impossible to add a contact
- [AC] Missing label and title for the Directory Action button
- [AC] Impossible to navigate the call history using the tab and enter
- Snmp v3 configuration error
- [Recorder] Stereo Mode Doesn’t Work
- [AC SIP] Invalid payload type if telephone-event is not present in the SDP
- [AC] Impossible to pick-up a parked call if the operator is not an agent
- [Recorder] Collector exception blocked with encryption
- [QMS] The queue setting tab called “queue optional modal” in QMS does not close
- Billing Teams – Webhook URL not proxied
- [FAX] Recipient field autocomplete missing in fax composer
- Fax configuration for email servers not including shared emails
- [BILLING] Report advanced filter on caller/called is not applied
- [AC SIP] Second Calls rings over audio on first active call in multicall scenario on MIDA SIP Plugin
- [Billing] Bad request error in Teams billing
- [AC] AC registers with wrong URI when SIP proxy is configured
- [Billing] Broadworks Billing not reporting all user calls
- [AC] Impossibile to send a DTMF for a visually impaired operator
- [REC] Download Service ID is not saved when configuring a DB collector
- [CLEANER] Cleaner doesn’t delete recordings according to time retention
- [IM] Impossible to add more than one Azure AD source
- [AC] When cleaning contact research, if you have tabbed to phone or business mobile, the result it’s not correctly cleared
- [AC] If a contact has more than a phone number, dial box is not populated
- [AC] Contact details window not closing when consulting call
- [AP FAX] In the fax user association, the page size selector is not working
- [CC] Multi-node is not working
- [PS] A scrollable playlist prevents you from clicking at the end of the track because of automatic scroll
- [PS] The backward button is not working as expected
- [PS] The waveform of the audio is shown even if the audio part is not already loaded
- [PS] Difficult to change the time interval for an advanced search
- [PS] Path backup is not shown
- [MUP] Asterisk configuration file is broken
- [MUP] The counter of services related to a media of IVR is not correct
- [AP] No tenant cannot configure fax users
- [MUP] Deleted devices are shown in CTI configuration
- [AC] Missing shortcuts for visually impaired users
- [FAX] ‘Enable watermark’ option is not available
Release 3.3.0
- Update Spring Boot to version 2.7.6
- AC – Implementing the useMagnifierOptimizedCallListLayout
- [AC SIP] Adding the version control in the js library
- CC – Email plugin
- Add support for LDAPS
- CC – WhatsApp Plugin
- CC – Engine
- New Contact Center
- Dismiss Zoom JWT and substitute it with Server OAuth
- [FAX] Admin user has no access to faxboxes in FAX portal
- Fax “T38 first” mode is not working as expected
- Fax Configuration page doesn’t load with no username on email accounts
- Outgoing Dial Prefix input on Faxbox
- [PS] Some settings are missing
- [FAX] When trying to login FAX portal through an error
- Mdf Importer – UserId field wrong management
- [AC] Impossible to make a transfer from IFrame event
- [FAX] Unable to configure new Fax Box
- [FAX] Impossible to configure new FAX boxes
- [FAX] Portal showing wrong error if no fax box is configured
- AC – Impossible to use the shortcut after logout/login
- AC – When the transfer is made from the Info windows, the windows keep open
- AC – when disable speed dial activated is possible to add a speed dial
- AC – The helper message is not fixed if short enough
- AC – Invalid usage of credential settings on sip plugin
- Invalid json serialization of contact-related entities
- Invalid rest token when logging in with the same user in different tenants
- Recorder – NullPointerException in PRI collector if priority is not present
- JRecorder ZoomLoader issues with multi-page users from APIs
- Zoom ImportManager issues with multi-page users from APIs
- Connection leak on importmanager
- AC- correct label after selecting custom not available states
- Wrong labels in ‘Manage personal contacts’ page
- AC SIP – outgoing call not correctly classified
- AC – custom data parsing exception
- Favicon is not loaded correctly on login page (web portal)
- Duplicated library asm on compilation
- Extensions compare broken
- QMS – missing rules on urlrewrite.xml
- Catch-all fax preview and download unavailable to mono-tenant fax admin
- OutboxDeleteAllUsers parameters not considered in FAX UI
- Outgoing fax start time not shown correctly in FAX UI
- Default settings for PS
- Unable to treat as per the service configured on “No available agents”
- Unable to make service calling for SQL server 10.75
- [FAX] Missing some OIDs to monitoring the system
- [AC TEAMS] Incoming caller number is not shown in the AC Teams
- [QMS] The queue setting tab called “queue optional modal” in QMS does not close
- Sniffer – Config file not found
- Billing Teams – Webhook URL not proxied
- [FAX] The Fax Report tab is not available
- UrlRewrite substitutes substrings, breaking login
- The call disappears when the agent pressed accidentally transfers and Hold( Without putting transfer no)
- Fax portal logout on session expired
- Fax UI does not lock forward button on faxes that were sent with errors
- Fax configuration for email servers not including shared emails
- Import manager looks through deleted NET_Devices
- Add optional JSON entries in Zoom API management classes
- ImportManager for CSV doesn’t refresh import scheduled time
- Import Manager only imports numbers for “otherIpPhone”
- AC- Presence is not updated immediately when adding new favorites
- MUP – Queue Manager Audio File uploading
- Reprocessing tool issue
- Arrows keep appearing in call match configuration page
- “Transfer to” row doesn’t disappear when “transfer” option is not selected
- PDC time is not changing automatically on setting it manually
- Impossible to assign a web portal application supervisor as supervisor of user groups
- Last import time not localized on user timezone in Import Manager configuration page
- If a contact cannot be deleted because it is also a user do not prompt to remove it from a group
- Custom contact fields with spaces in the name generate a js error
- Contact’s Import failed with special character ‘
- Unable to see Audio Message tab
Release 3.2.1
- AC – Update kandy.js library to version 4.41.0
- Recorder – Adding the mixed and stereo mixed mode for the collector
- AC – Show empty directory panel on login
- AC – Adding the clean directory button
- AC SIP – Adding the G729 Codec
- AC – Implement arrow behavior to move between the directory results
- Implementing new UI for QMS
- Disable JCT
- Disable legacy AAC
- OutOfMemory Exception in LDAP Importer
- PS – The modal for see the user filtered by group not works
- AC – Not possible to call or transfer when the focus is on a directory row
- AC – Enter keydown does not work in the Similar Search Modal
- AC – Vocalization on similar search doesn’t work
- AC – Contact Details Windows is not vocalized correctly
- AC – The details contact window is not closed after a call creating
- AC – Wrong call history sorting
- AC – Impossible to close the group selection in the advanced search modal
- AC – Color setting is not applied to the textbox
- AC – Some shortcuts are broken
- AC – Impossible to resume a call transferred to a busy number
- Fax cover not included when sending fax from UI
- audio Backup File Name replacement
- For every new recording need to force import collector
- ImportManager Zoom needs to trim email to build the username
- Unable to log in to Supervisor Console (QMS)
- QMS – missing rules on urlrewrite.xml
- Arrows keep appearing in call match configuration page
- “Transfer to” row doesn’t disappear when “transfer” option is not selected
- PDC time is not changing automatically on setting it manually
- Impossible to assign a web portal application supervisor as supervisor of user groups
- Last import time not localized on user time zone in Import Manager configuration page
- Custom contact fields with spaces in the name generate a js error
- Contact’s Import failed with special character ‘
- Voice Prompt are not visible
- Unable to see Audio Message tab
Release 3.2.0
- AC – Update kandy.js to the version 4.40.0
- AC – Update kandy.js to the version 4.39.0
- PS – Adv Search: Changing the scroll
- PS – Adding a parameter to control the default number of results
- PS – Implement the new interface for the waveform
- PS – Disabling share download with a parameter
- PS – Disabling automatic search on group change
- New Fax Server
- Missing treatment.include.conf with speed dials macros
- AC – URL popup works only if contact match is found
- AC – some labels are still not localized
- Speed dials dialplan not written in case of missing config folder
- Cleaner deletes all the files
- PS – Reduce search time
- PS – Massive download and backup
- PS – Search button confusing
- AC SIP – Ringing sound not corrected managed
- Max park time not set correctly in kcc mode
- Arrows keep appearing in call match configuration page
- “Transfer to” row doesn’t disappear when “transfer” option is not selected
- PDC time is not changing automatically on setting it manually
- Impossible to assign a web portal application supervisor as supervisor of user groups
- Last import time not localized on user timezone in Import Manager configuration page
- Custom contact fields with spaces in the name generate a js error
- Contact’s Import failed with special character ‘
- Voice Prompt is not visible
- Unable to see Audio Message tab