The choice of which contact center platform to adopt is a complex task: there are many aspects to take into consideration, and they range from technical features, compatibility with pre-existing business applications and budget, just to list a few, but there’s one thing you want to be there for sure: the integration with your CRM. According to a recent Cisco survey, 2 out of 3 companies have already started to invest in this direction so let’s analyze together why this is among the most requested features of a contact center:
- Enhanced customer experience – The CRM integration helps to collect relevant customer information, that is useful to promptly handle any contact center incoming request: your agents can have access in real-time to all the details (e.g. personal and order data) they need while they are serving the call, with no need to put the caller on hold to search for them in other repositories or platforms. Seamless information connectivity helps agents to be more proactive in the conversation and able to grasp customers’ hidden needs, they can then share with other stakeholders for up-selling and cross-selling activities.. Nowadays the customer perception of the support service received by a company is crucial as it directly impacts the intent of purchase: 50% of people say that they would pay more for a product/service if the company they purchase from provides good support (Hubspot 2021 customer service report). Given the fact that acquiring a new customer is more expensive than maintaining a healthy and satisfactory relationship with an existing one, this customer service integration will play a key role in achieving this goal.
- Increased first call resolution rate – Agents’ capability to access customers’ history is a real added value which can be conclusive in providing the solution the caller needs, during the first call. First call resolution rate is a critical customer service metric, and – despite the fact that it is not the one and only KPI to take into consideration when assessing the service performances- it’s among the key indicators of the service quality. The integration with the CRM helps agents increase these statistics, which is good also from their personal fulfillment point of view.
- Agents’ performances empowered with shared information – The two previous points are interconnected with the third one because the information collected from the CRM also helps your employees to empower their performances. Agents are more efficient as they can focus just on the current interaction without any extra interruptions. Each information about the customer is available in his/her CRM record, and it is shared within all departments.. This allows repetitive tasks, such as inserting personal or purchase data, to be reduced to the minimum or even zeroed: agents’ reporting tasks regard just new information shared by the caller during the call. Moreover, in some professional contact centers, callers are pre-filtered by an automated attendant, which helps the caller to speak with the best agent available based on the topic of the call.
To deepen this topic and discover the integration of our contact center with Dynamics and Salesforce, do not hesitate to contact us here. We will be happy to help you understand which is the right UC solution for your business!